The hefty volume (some 500+ pages). Is the result of a thorough preselection and judging process which in the end distilled the 8,000+ submissions by ad photographers from a total of 50 countries. Advertising photographers had been invited to submit what they thought of as their best work – whether for advertising, editorial, self-promotion – but not older than two years. See the members of our distinguished jury, who selected the work of the 200 photographers that got into the book, on your right.

The cover image we chose for the book this time comes from Mark Laita, an internationally award-winning photographer, who has been a constant presence in Archive magazine for some twenty years. He's particularly well-known for his photos of aquatic creatures such as tropical fish but also reptiles and amphibian. He once got bitten by on of his models, a Black Mamba – the deadliest of snakes – but obviously lived to tell.  Compared to that, shooting the two generations of American bullterriers you can see on the cover must have been a piece of cake, perhaps because of the power of music apparently playing through the set of headphones the two share.

As we've gotten accustomed to, the USA are once again the country represented by the highest number of photographers, no less than 100 in this volume. They are followed, at quite a distance, by Germany with 61 photographers selected and the UK with 24. A strong showing also by Australia (16) and New Zealand (12). In all, there is work from a total of 30 countries. 500 stron, miękka okładka-skrzydełka

  • O Magazynie

    Dwumiesięcznik poświęcony najlepszym kampaniom reklamowym. Każde wydanie dociera do 40 000 prenumeratorów na całym świecie. Katalog zawiera 160-180 stron prezentujących 70-80 kampanii reklamowych pogrupowanych według kategorii produktowych. Przedstawia najbardziej atrakcyjne, ekskluzywne kampanie reklamowe, prace najlepszych grafików, fotografów i projektantów. W każdym numerze znajdują się wywiad z twórcami najlepszych reklam oraz kalendarium zbliżających się branżowych wydarzeń. „Lürzers International Archive” jest publikowany w języku angielskim.

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